Our Campaigns
Education to all Children, Project Vidhya
Neeraja Service Organisation Helping Children by teaching education and providing the stationary things and other essentials.

Food Donation to Needy, Project Annadhanam

Neeraja Service Organisation Helping people by serving food. We people prepare the quality and tasty food for the distribution of the homeless and Needy people.


  • Educate the homeless people and try to create some self-employment. .
  • Will arrange shelter for the homeless.
  • Will conduct medical camps for the homeless.
  • We can provide food and daily needs of the homeless.
  • Will stop child labor.
  • For getting these daily minimum needs Some of them are choosing Wrong.
  • Paths like Stealing, Smuggling, Threatening others for Money to control this, we took a small initiative Step.
  • We formed an organization to help some of them and we will provide some daily needs and we will guide them to choose the right path.
  • We Have to stop the child labor to do that first we have to interact with children and with their parents and motivate them to join the school.
  • We must help homeless physical handicap Persons.
  • Nowadays the Main issue of economically Poor People is Food and Shelter and some other things like clothes etc.